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Coach Ken Corbin is founder and coach of the Hemel Sharks, a local community club based in Hemel Hemsptead, Hertfordshire.


The club has entered two teams into the GG3x3 each year and played with poise and passion. Coach Ken shares his thoughts on what it means to play in the GG3x3 and why the Sharks will be back again (with their inflatable shark).


The link between the Sharks and the GG3x3 

We are a community club, founded by yours truly 12 years ago. I wanted to provide basic coaching for kids who wanted more than just recreational school coaching, and also to provide an activity for teens that had nothing to do on a Sunday night.





It has always been about the community, improving infrastructure, building pathways from street ball to National League, encouraging participation and love for the game.


The GG3x3 really fits well with what we’re doing at the Hemel Sharks. I spotted the GG3x3, and loved the ethos, the background story and the chance to play across age ranges whilst giving to a cancer charity. I couldn't sign up quick enough!


Many of my players had never experienced playing competitively against people they did not know. What an awesome opportunity for player and personal development.


A Local Community Basketball Club

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The Tournament 

Let’s be honest we all think we are great till we meet someone who has a little more skill than you, and you readjust your thinking. We love the challenge at the GG3x3 and have made the 1/4 finals only to be knocked out by the winning team twice!!!


So, we will be back with two or three teams maybe. If you meet a Sharks player, know that you have to bring your "A" game. Show them some love, you won’t miss them...they usually have a large inflatable Shark in their hands at some stage.


Peace and Unity to all, let’s hope the GG3x3 goes from strength to strength.


You can catch the Hemel Sharks on Facebook by clicking here

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